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About Ann Smith

Owner of Alias Group

Education & Experience

Ann Smith

I’m passionate about design that works.

Through Alias Group, I serve clients in search of creative, affordable design solutions for their businesses. Websites, brochures, logos – whatever the design piece may be – I believe all design should work to clearly and memorably communicate your brand while meeting your goals in a timely, cost-effective manner.

I got my start in design studying commercial art. After graduating college, I built my press skills at a well-known and trusted service bureau in Omaha, working directly with designers.

Next, I spent a decade honing my talents as a graphic designer at an established studio in Omaha. I worked closely with the creative director and owner to design and develop complex print pieces including trade show displays, product packaging and corporate identities. I also mastered the prepress process, managed press checks, produced print estimates and finalized client billing. 

With a strong foundation in graphic design and producing work for businesses big and small, I set out on my own. I launched Alias Group, so I could continue working with a wide variety of clients while also raising my daughter. My roster of clients today is diverse and loyal; I enjoy helping each of them meet their unique business goals. Their success is my success. I’m here to help you succeed too.

So, why turn to a freelancer? I’m the talent you need with the flexibility you want. I can work from home or in your office. I can dial into conference calls or meet you for coffee.

Alias Group is also more than just me. I also bring with me:

  • A talented, exclusive network of freelancers who are ready to jump in with their specialties to meet your needs
  • Quick response times
  • Personal service
  • Proven experience
  • Reasonable rates.

    Best of all? You can hand your project off to me and get back to running your business. Let’s get started.  


When I’m not designing, you can find me hanging with my teenage daughter, walking around the lake trail with my mini-goldendoodle, or enjoying a good book with my giant mug of coffee in my favorite chair by the fireplace. Friends and family are important to me, so I’m always looking to get something penciled in on my calendar.